Thursday, July 31, 2008

My "first" post

You may be wondering why I have titled this the "first" post of this blog. I had started this a while back, but all of my other posts were so negative. Nobody wants to read anything negative. Besides, I wasn't being very nice in the previous posts either, and the things that I wrote would have hurt people's feelings. A blog isn't about that. It's about sharing a part of my life with people who aren't around me enough for me to talk to them about it.

So, summer is coming to an end. I have been all sorts of places and done all sorts of things.
In May, after Junior year ended (eee!!!!), I got the opprotunity to study abroad in Switzerland for three weeks (three very long weeks). I cried a lot. I had a tough time. If I talked to you about it at all, you probably thought that I hated it. Not true. It pushed me to my limits, that's for sure. But I loved it. Next time I go so far from home, though, I would prefer to go with close friends or family, people I am comfortable venting to. People who have no problem giving out hugs. If you know anything about me at all, I think it would be that I am a person who needs an outward expression of affection. At camp one summer a counselor referred to me as "Huggy girl". That's just who I am. So going three weeks without a hug was quite a challenge.

This is the view from our room!

But I learned so much about myself! I learned that I could get lost in a city that I had never been to before and still find my way back (Oxford, thanks so much). I learned that I will NOT be teaching little bitty kids. I learned that I can climb two thousand feet up a mountain and not die. True story. But most importantly, I learned that I need no one else but the Lord. I wish that I could paint you a picture of how faithful the Lord is to us. I am the best example of that because I truly fail at meeting with him daily, sometimes even weekly. He never fails me, and I think that that was one of the most amazing parts of this trip. He was with me every step of the way. One afternoon, I sat on my porch, facing this amazing snow covered mountain, and I read through Romans 8. It was beautiful and amazing and such an encouraging moment for me!!

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

This verse seemed so fitting for my time in Switzerland. God knew the reason that I was there, even if it was different from everybody else's reasons!! He has a plan for my life, and being there made me realize how amazing it is going to be!

So I get home from Switzerland, and my summer continues. June flys be in a flash, and before you know it, Warren and Danee are married (plus Ashley and Jeff, who's wedding I couldn't be there for, but every part of me so wished that I was there!) and then two weeks later, my best friend Valerie marries her now amazing husband Jon!! Weddings are my absolute favorite things in the whole entire world, and I was SO privledged to get to go to two of them!!

Warren and Danee!!

Ashley and Jeff!!

Valerie and Jon!!!

And before you know it, June ends and July begins, and you know what that means: Summer school! Yes, yours truly attended summer school for the first summer at Texas A&M. And in 6 days, it will all be over! I am soooo glad, as this summer school buisness is just wearing me down. I am taking Pilates (which is harder than you think) and Statistics (which is just as hard, if not harder, than you think). I had my final test today in Pilates (it went amazing!) and my final for Stat is on Wednesday. Stat is less than stellar for me, as this is not my cup of tea, but I need to make a 60 on the final to pull a C in the class, which is all I need. So, yes, I am sooo excited for this class to be over. And when it is, I will officially be a senior. And boy is that a scary thought! :)
Oh, and guess what happend to me while I've been here? The house I am staying in got robbed! That's right, someone broke into our house between 1:30 and 3:30 and took the television, my roommates lap top... and my lap top. :( BUT- I got to call 911, and that was cool. And, I got a new laptop. It's red. And brand new. And now I am super protective of it.

Movies I have seen this summer:
Prince Caspian: LOVED it. OMG, I can not wait for the DVD, it was phenomenal!!
Wall-E: I think this has to be my FAV Disney/Pixar so far! I've seen it twice. So good.
Mamma Mia: Yep. Seen it twice. :) I love a good musical.
Batman: Of course. It's THE summer movie. It was good. It was loooong, and I think I'd need to see it again to really get it all. But I did like it.

On a final thought before I attempt to fall asleep to episodes of the Office, I am very pleased to announce that the world of books is blossoming as of lately! The final book in the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer (If you have not read them, go NOW and run, yes run, to your nearest bookshop and buy them all, because once you read the first one you won't want to put it down) and I am attend the Midnight book selling at the College Station Barnes and Noble. :) Yes, this is the first time I have ever done this, and I am so excited! I also read Stephenie's newest novel, The Host, while I was in school, and it has to be one of my all time favorite books!! I adored it! She is such a great writer.

And, if you love Harry Potter, than the world has gotten a little sweeter for you as 3 amazing things are happening this year. 1) The 10th Anniversary edition of the Sorcerer's Stone will be out in September. I am UBER excited. 2) The 6th movie, The Half Blood Prince, just released their trailer for the new film and will premier in November (the best month of the year, hint hint) and 3) I can not believe it, but Scholastic and JK Rowling have paired up to publish The Tales of Beetle the Bard (as mentioned in The Deathly Hallows). It comes out in December. I could almost wet my pants I am so excited!! (Except I'm not wearing any pants right now because it is crazy hot in Texas!!)