Sunday, May 10, 2009


Ok- an update

1) Today is Mother's Day. I miss my mom. :( BUT- she is having the best mothers day party EVER with some pretty awesome mom's up in heaven... so I can't be too sad. :)

2) I want to stay in College Station forever! I really love the community that I have found here. Their love, support, friendship, hugs- everything has just been so wonderful! I spent my last day of nursery care getting lots of hugs, kisses and giggles, cleaning a poopy diaper (of course!), rejoicing over big boy underwear, fingerpainting flowers for mothers day, dishing out animal crackers and goldfish and taking lots of pictures. :) I just LOVE these precious children and I can not wait to share them with you soon. I will post them on facebook when I get around to finding my camera cord...

3) Graduation is right around the corner. WOW. I feel like I just finished fish camp... and now I'm graduating?!?!?! It just doesn't feel real. And I found a graduation dress from JC Penney that I LOVE. Seriously. I am so thankful for my wonderful aunt who traveled with me to find it. She's the one that pulled it out and it is seriously precious. :)

4) I have a new TV show that I am into... and it is DORKY! It's called Legend of the Seeker... imagine a mix of Lord of the Rings and Princess Bride and Robin Hood or King Arthur (maybe?). I found it online (of all places), on the best website EVER- Hulu. I am obsessed. I watched all 19 episodes and am anticipating the final ones to come. The acting isn't brilliant. I know. BUT- the story line intrigues me. And the lead boy is cute. :) It's also based on a HUGE Sci Fi book series by Terry Goodkind called The Sword of Truth series. I just bought the first one from Half Price... and it's like 900 pages long... I'm not kidding. What have I gotten myself into?! lol

5) My body is infected with some itchy rash. I actually think it's a combo of really bad razor burn, dry skin and an irritation to sleeping with sheets again... I just sleep with a blanket on me now, for some reason. Regardless, my legs itch like crazy. But I love baby lotion, so I've been lathering up and I smell good and lavender-y now. :)

6) Everytime I hear a police siren, I think the police are coming to arrest me for using Limewire to download music... guilty conscience? Yes. Will I delete my music? No??

7) I can't wait to start working at the zoo every morning! I love my favorite place in the whole world! I really do!

8) It warms my heart when mothers at church tell me that their children pray for "Ms. Kelly" every night. Aww! Thank you so much! I also found out that one of my AWANA girls prays for me and my husband on a weekly basis. 11 years old... and amazing in so many ways!! How I love them all!

Ok... good update? I dunno... but I thought one was appropriate! :)


valerie said...

good! i needed an update! ive been stalking your blog and finally a new post!! :) love you!

Heather said...

haha, i love the fact that you think the police are coming to get you for your music, but you will not get rid of it! soooo you, kelly! and, yay for graduation! you have earned this! enjoy your day, girl! so proud of you!