Friday, November 14, 2008

Hard Day

For the two people that frequent this blog in hopes of getting a cheerful update, well, expect one of your two requirement fulfilled.

I am having a horrible, very hard day, aside from the fact that I am in Dallas with three of the most precious babies in existence (my niece Cadence and my other niece and nephew Campbell and Colby).

Anyways, my life is not going the way I want it to. I may not get to student teach in the spring (very unlikely, but it may happen), and if I do I am a school which will eat me for breakfast. To top it all off, I am in love, absolute LOVE with my fifth grade class semester. I cry as I type this because I realize how much I will truly, truly miss them and care for them. They are fantastic- even when I have to fuss at them. :) I know that God knows what he is doing, but I can't for the life of me figure this out. I really wish my mom was here. I needed her today. My dad is great, as always, but his "solution" to things is to just accept it and shake it off. My mom would be like, "You're right. This sucks. Let's cry about it."

And if this day just hasn't been the pits, I left my pajama pants at home and have to sleep in jeans. *sob*



valerie said...

i am sending you a virtual hug.
things arent always as bad as they seem sweet kelly. you will be right wherethe Lord wants you to be. Trust that. Hugs from me to you my sweet kelly.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelly. I'm sorry you're having a rough day. Lean on the fact that GOD is in control and so much bigger than the problems we make for ourselves. You are loved.