Friday, August 22, 2008


I have regressed

I am ashamed

I have pulled and pulled my hair out these past few weeks... all the hard work I have done to grow it back, and I have pulled all of it out. I now have a bald patch on my head the size of a half dollar (at least that's what it looks like to me)

And the thing is... I don't know why

Why?! I have no good reason. I am not in mourning for my dead mother. I am not overly stressed. For God's sake, school hasn't even started yet. Yet I find myself needing to pull... craving the pain

I need help. I need you God. I need to know the reasons I keep massacring myself. I need a good reason. I need to stop. I need to cry.


I don't want to hurt myself anymore... but I can't stop. Help me...

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